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移植Olympic 6月Ohioで開催!

2016.6.10-15クリーブランドで移植オリンピック開催。Pittsburgh 2008, Madison 2010, Grand Rapidos 2012と3回参加、ぜひ駆けつけたいところ。主治医もクリーブランドにいるし。口で説明するのは難しい衝撃の体験で終了後暫く放心状態になるような興奮状態に包まれる大会。ドナー感謝イベントがメーンイベント。The Transplant Games of America (TGA) is a multi-sport festival event for individuals who have undergone life-saving transplant surgeries. Competition events are open to living donors, organ transplant recipients. More than an athletic event, the TGA highlight the critical importance of organ, eye, and tissue donation, while celebrating the lives of organ donors and recipients.

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